
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cherry Blossom

Despite the wind it was a nice day to be out at the Cherry Blossoms last weekend. I found a great view looking at the Jefferson Memorial from across the basin. After working on that drawing for a while I turned around to see a striking view of the Washington Monument. It was fun working around all the people. A few asked to take my picture and one woman even inquired about a purchase.

View of Jefferson Memorial

Washington Monument behind trees

Two photos of monument

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Roma, Madrid, & Morocco Part III

Part III Morocco

I spent the final two weeks touring Morocco. It was my first time visiting a Muslim country and I found their art, customs and way of life fascinating. We covered most of the country and saw almost every type of landscape imaginable from deserts to beaches.

Sketch done while walking the streets late one night in Casablanca. It was a very eerie night with a full moon.

Bab Bou Jeloud in Fez. This Bab (gate) was packed with people at sundown rushing into the Medina after the call to prayer.

Landscape view done while driving where minarets are seen scattered throughout.

Color landscape view done while driving. Many olive trees.

Woman with hat

Midelt. One of my favorite drawings that really captures rural life.

Ouarzazate City Center Square. As I walked around images just kept piling up on top of each other altering perspective.

Women in City Center Square. Despite the head wraps many women wore western clothes. Chuck Taylor All Stars were very popular sneakers.

Composition from City Center Square

Erg Chebbi is much larger then it appears. I made the mistake of attempting to climb it at sundown. By the time I got to the top it was dark and I had one hell of a time finding my way back to the guide. Getting lost in the desert is not fun.

Gnawa musicians. This was awesome. All of the songs tell a story and for a few songs we were all dancing.

Palm valley and canyon . The rivers were irrigated to sustain small villages all along the canyon which looked similar to the Grand Canyon in AZ just much smaller in scale.


High Atlas Mountains. Unbelievable sunsets and the most relaxing night of my trip. The hotel was on an orange grove where we could pick at will. The pyramid shaped ceramics in the photo are tops of cookware called Tajines.

Essaouira. This was one of my favorite cities. I could have spent a month doing drawings and exploring.

Hashish Cafe. After being approached numerous times I decided to take a chance. It was a little shady but the experience was well worth it.

Essaouira street. I was drawing and talking to some of the local kids when all of a sudden some old man pushed me from behind. He had a large stick and was swinging it at me and the kids yelling at us to get away from his shop. The kids (and I) thought it was hilarious and we kept saying "Crazy Man, Crazy Man." This got him even more angry so we all decided to leave.

Looking down on people walking the street from my Riad Hotel.

Jardin Majorelle

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

mall sketches (part 4)

i have lots of new mall sketches to scan in (i have been slacking in the digital department of this project!), but here's an older one that i sketched of myself blind contour style based on my reflection in one of the metallic orbs that are found on the railings of the second floor of the mall corridors. more to come soon...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Roma, Madrid, & Morocco Part II

Part II Madrid

After a week in Rome I was off to Madrid for two days. Our hostel was in Plaza de Jacinto Benavente. I went to the Prado and Reina Sofia Museums during the day and ate pulpo (octopus) and churro's until I felt sick. :P

Plaza de Jacinto Benavente
I can't wait to read some of his work.

Dome of San Sebastian Church
view from hostel

Imagery from out front of the Reina Sofia Museum
Home of Picasso's Guernica

Drawing from sculpture installation inside the museum

Detail drawing of sculpture

A Gallery Pesterer


I wish I had more time in Madrid.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Roma, Madrid, & Morocco

I spent the past few weeks traveling in Italy, Spain, and Morocco. Instead of taking an obscene amount of photographs I focused on drawings. Snapshots create great memories but I find time spent looking at environment reveals much more. I also felt like less of a tourist and was able to interact with the many people who approached me while I was working.

Part I of III

Two phones at the airport

Quick sketch of people passing by with carry on luggage at Dulles Airport

Composite image from airplane magazine

Woman walking in the Piazza di Spagna

Francesco Barbieri Fountain detail.

Hostel view from window

Roman Forum ruins


Piazza Navona: woman taking picture

Jet lag kept me up so I went out to draw at 4 a.m

Wall rubbing with detail

St. Peters composite

St. Paul statue in St. Peters square

Woman by Bernini's fountain in St. Peters Square

Internet point and laundromat