
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Makah Tribe Long House

Makah Tribe long house. Native American Tribe from the northwestern corner of the continental United States in Washington State. This house is made out of cedar pine wood shingles.

"El Libertador"

"El Libertador" (the liberator) General Simon Bolivar. This statue is located in Washington DC across from the Organization of American States. El Libertador is the most celebrated leader of any independence revolutionary movement in the western hemisphere. He liberated Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Bolivia during the 1810's to 1820's.

Fort Zachary Taylor

Fort Zachary Taylor is a fantastic place to visit in Key West. After swimming in the blue crystal waters a very short walk and time to sketch.

1111 Lincoln Road, South Beach Miami, FL, U.S.A.

1111 Lincoln Road, South Beach Miami, FL, U.S.A. It's an amazing building with a lot of cool things to discover. If any one goes to Miami it is a must see type of deal. Yeah it is a parking garage but it feels like a cathedral/sky park. It's the best way to view the city from above and there are parties that take place in here. Check it out.....

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Georgetown (and the Cathedral) from a parking garage across the river in Rosslyn.

Monday, November 12, 2012

7th St NE

The neighborhood you once knew will be no longer.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Capitol

The Capitol, from the U.S. Botanic Gardens.  I went in to the District to see the Roy Lichtenstein Retrospective at the National Gallery, and felt motivated to walk around a bit afterwards to see if I could find something to sketch.  While I was sketching I met an Italian painter who was here on vacation, and had arrived in New York just in time for the hurricane.  Not the best introduction to our country - but he sounded like he was having a good time anyway.  He showed me some of his own sketches as well, which were quite good.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Marilyn Monroe Mural The classic Woodley Park mural. Commissioned (in either 1968, or 1981) by Roi Barnard of Salon Roi, and painted by John Bailey. I thought it could use a little love in ink on paper.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

H Street Festival

The H Street Festival in Northeast D.C. closed down the street and filled it with crowds, tents, vendors, and music.  I got a little sunburned, but otherwise had a good time.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cathedral of Saint Matthew

After returning from the Portland Location Sketching Workshop, I wanted to try the techniques I learned in my home town. So I headed in to Rhode Island Avenue NW today to sketch the Cathedral of Saint Matthew. (You can find my sketches from the workshop on Flickr.)
There was also an interesting exhibit on drawings, sketches, and watercolors by the old masters at the National Gallery of Art that I enjoyed while I was downtown.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012



Saturday, June 23, 2012

22 Sketches of Artomatic


So, Artomatic has a tradition of anonymous (or semi-anonymous) individuals who leave gifts, poems or kind comments to participants;  the Benefactor, Brash, the Collector 2.0...

So, with that in mind, I thought that instead of making a regular "Top Ten" list or "Best of AOM" list, I'd try and make a sketch for my favorite displays of this year's show.  I didn't quite finish as many as I wanted, but I did get about 22 sketches done and distributed back to the artists who inspired them. The're not all stellar sketches, but I tried to do them quick, so lay off man.

No name, no email, no signature or website on it.  Just a small small (2" x 3 1/4" specifically) gesture to let them know they are among my favorites of this year.

Though it wouldn't take much to figure out I did them... (golly look, a blog post about it!)

Here's how they look as I put the sketches up in the artists' spaces.
Artomatic sketches

In addition to these 22, I also loved what I saw from Missy Carr, Christopher Goodwin, G. Vollrath, Dominick Rabrun, Christopher Grady, Todd Gardner, Frederick Nunely, Jenny Walton, Annie Riker & Amy Keys, Joseph A Corcoran, Cory Orberndorfer, Sabrina Cabada, Jamie Gerhold, Nick Zimbro, Shambles Cross, Salvador Casco, Ray Allard, Liliane Bloom.

More pics after the jump!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's been too long since I posted on our Urban Sketchers DC blog. At last here are a few recent sketches from trips on the metro and waiting rooms. I am looking forward to the sketch crawl at Artomatic 2012 in Crystal City this Saturday!

Dusk of H St.

Smith Commons Gaia mural sketch

Smith Commons on H St commission the street artist Gaia to make this stunning mural on the side of their building. Pretty awesome. Had to draw it.

This got some other murals in town on my mind, so I am going to try and sketch a few more of them before I leave for the summer.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dance Africa @ Brookland Art Lofts



An ongoing series of events in the neighborhood of Brookland all month. Check the link:

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Northeast, is the tallest building in District (after the TV towers and the Monument), and one of the largest churches in the world. This sketch is from a visit in 2009. The Byzantine-style architecture is quite different from what you see in the rest of D.C.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sitting Buddha

Sitting Buddha, 14th century Tibetan, at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in DC.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Waterfront SE

Waterfront SE
We intended to go into Nationals park to have our sketchcrawl during the ballgame, but had a hard time finding each other!  So when I finally ran into Matt we decided to stick to the waterfront and sketch a bit there.  I finished one sketch, but only got through a little of the other.
Water Processing Building

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Artomatic 2012

Artomatic registration has begun.  And as is tradition, the website is overwelmed by thousands of people trying to sign up so access to is spotty at best (but getting better.)

If you are any sort of art-maker or performer that lives in the DC area it is in your GREAT interest to participate.

This year it is being held in Crystal City (Arlington, VA) from May 18th until June 24th in what is said to be the largest venue yet for the event.  It costs $110 to register, you are required to put in 3 volunteer sessions & do your part to promote the event, and install you exhibit space yourself.

Do it.



Sunday, March 18, 2012

Columbia Heights Alley

columbia heights back alley So the original plan was to go to a couple of bookstores around the city and put prints of this sketch in the pages of as many copies of "The Art of Urban Sketching" as I could find. (Not an original idea, as fans of the Post Secret blog & books do this too with their anonymous confessions.) It turns out though that none of the bookstores actually had any copies on the shelves, so no-go on that idea. Instead I went back to the alley in Columbia Heights where I drew the original sketch and found some spots to give them away or hide them for people to find.
6 drawings of columbia heights 01col heights envelopes

I found a couple of windshields to drop the envelopes.  Some that drove off before I got a picture of them,  of course not without a few funny looks as they picked up what I left for them.
When I felt like too many eyes where on me to put the last few envelopes on some windshields.  I found some bicycle baskets to drop them in.  A couple that also came and went before I got a picture off.
The original sketch columbia heights sketch