
Thursday, February 28, 2013

700 Delaware

Hense Graffiti Church DC

Sometime late last year street artist Hense came to DC to work on a former church south of the Capitol area.  The project had some minor controversy over whether this was respectful to the history of this particular site, but nonetheless it's pretty awesome and fun to see up close.  [You can check out more about the project at Design Boom.]

I certainly couldn't sketch this without involving all these great marks and colors, so it took me a little while longer than usual to finish the drawing.  I sketched the basic structure and a little of the surroundings on site, but had to color it at home... after running to the art store for a few more markers...

Sunday, February 24, 2013


The High Line Park is a former railroad elevated track in NYC that was transformed in to a green area in the city. It was a very very very cold 30 below windy day but somehow I managed to sketch this new park in the city. There were so many sea birds flying around in the cold which it's strange. After 4 hrs of sketching and a lot of hot coffee I got it done. I used black ink and a lot of hand warmers to keep me going.

Conch Architecture, Key West, FL, U.S.A.

This is a typical Conch Architecture house 2 blocks away where my wife and I stayed during our honeymoon in Key West, FL, U.S.A. It's based on the Colonial tropical south Florida style that is found around the keys. There are a lot of tropical vegetation and tropical fruits. I did this on black ink and it took me 2 hrs of sketching and enjoying the sun ;)