
Sunday, February 17, 2019

The famous Colosseum in Rome.  I started before dawn, but the night and the rain got me. However between rain breaks I managed to finish the sketch and fianlly the sky opened up at the end.  It took me 2.0 hrs, I used Black ink on white paper.


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism Stupa and the surrounding beautiful gardens. I did this back in spring of 2008. I took me 3hrs on black Ink and white paper. #seattle #usa #ilookup #tibet #buddhism#stupa

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Stoa in the Agora. Is a portico open to the public, used by merchants to sell their products, used by artists, a place for political and religious gatherings, sharing ideas, and just for meeting people. This place is located inside the Agora where Democracy was born. I took me 1hr using black ink on white paper

#athens #athena #greece #aegean #Mediterranean#southerneurope #filopapposhill #agora #Stoa#agoraathens #USK #urbansketchers #democracy

The Acropolis in Athens, a symbol of Western Civilization and the home of the Gods, especially Athena. I had sketched in many places, but this is the best place I had done so. Sitting in top of Ancient Greek ruins, under the shade of olive trees, nice Aegean breeze, and warm Mediterranean sun.....This was done in 1.5 hrs using black ink on white paper at the Philopappos Monument Hill across from the Acropolis. 

#Athens #Athena#Greece #Aegean #Mediterranean#SouthernEurope #philopapposhill #Acropolis #USK#UrbanSketchers

"Goddess of Liberty" Victims of Communism Memorial. This small but very important monument is located only 2 blocks from Union Station and within view of the U.S. Capitol.

The memorial is dedicated "To the more than one hundred million victims of communism and to those who love liberty". The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation says the purpose of the memorial is to ensure "that the history of communist tyranny will be taught to future generations". It took me 2.5 hrs. I used black ink on white paper.

#USK #WashingtonDC #USA #GoddessOfLiberty#VictimsOfCommunismMemorial #Liberty