
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Because of the Pandemic It has been almost 2 years since I last visited Saint Leo The Great Cathedral.... Until today! It feels great coming back! I usually tend to visit during Sunday mornings, but I decided to sketch it during the last 2 days. For years I had admired the beautiful stained glass windows that in a very abstract artistic style tells Biblical Stories. This is my 2nd Sketch of these stained glass windows, which are becoming a series. You can see Virgin Mary stepping on a snake that surrounds the world. It took me 3.0 hrs, I used Black ink and Multiple-Colors Ink on white paper. #62 

@stleoschoolfairfax @arlingtonchurch #SaintLeoTheGreat #SaintLeoTheGreatCathedral #CatholicChurch #USK #UrbanSketchers #Fairfax #VA #USA #UrbanSketcher #archisketcher #sketch #sketching #cathedral