
DC Sketchers

"Erin Antognoli was born in a small town in northeastern Ohio, and raised in an equally small town in western Pennsylvania. she realized from a very early age that she was not like the other girls. while her classmates were all joining the brownies, taking ballet lessons, and dressing up like fairy princesses, Erin wanted to be a ninja assassin, started a bicycle gang, and lit things on fire. she was bound to go far in life.
After completing college with honors and without getting kicked out, she got another degree in art, which in no way prepared her for the real world. she then married a guy who thought all the crazy things she did were endearing, and moved to the Washington DC area.
Erin's main activities include creating and exhibiting artwork, spending time with her husband and dogs, and conspiring new and exciting ways to take over the world."

"She enjoys pretty pictures and prose. You can find her riding her bicycle on H street or sitting in museums all by her lonesome. She's also fond of the color turquoise."

Glory's website

"I'm originally from Minnesota and have lived in many great U.S. cities - Minneapolis/St Paul, Chicago, NYC area (Bayonne and Jersey City, NJ), Richmond, VA and Washington DC. I love drawing and look forward to joining the Urban Sketchers community and share my love of the urban environment.

I earned a Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Minnesota's School of Architecture (where free-hand drawing was emphasized and valued) and a M.A. in Applied Design from the University of Minnesota's Graduate School. During my graduate program I taught classes in design foundations - Drawing, Two-Dimensional Design, Three-Dimensional Design, and Color. After working as a museum exhibit designer for 15 years, I am now working as a Development Assistant and Theater Facilitator at Capitol Hill Arts Workshop and pursuing studies in technical theater.

I'm teaching a new class at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop called DC Sketchers. We meet Saturday mornings/afternoons at various DC location and welcome beginning and intermediate students. I'm looking forward to contributing both my work and my students work to Urban Sketchers and value the community and resource it offers."

Kent's website
Kent's Flickr

I am originally from Baltimore, MD and currently living in Glover Park in Washington DC. I am working as a freelance illustrator and draw just about everyday in my sketchbooks.

Elizabeth's website
Elizabeth's blog
Elizabeth's Flickr

"I have been a graphic designer since the days of type spec’ing and wax paste-ups, but now keep myself gainfully employed using my computer and Adobe software. Sketchbooks are a way to get my hands on the basics again—paper, pencils, paint and ink. I have been experimenting with different styles and materials as well as differing subjects in my sketchbooks.

A workshop on traveling with a sketchbook turned me on to Sketchcrawl and I immediately loved the idea but it was a while before I finally found the time to join in. Tackling the art and architecture of Washington DC is in its nascency for me but I look forward to taking on this new challenge."

Robin's Flickr

"Sketching is an immediate action that reveals an artist’s state of mind at a specific time and place. Depending on this state, sketched images may be frantic in nature or calm and collected. I compose sketches from multiple sources in an attempt to create a unified expression of an environment. My sketches frequently document a progression into abstraction where the depiction of specific objects becomes less and less important.

I grew up in a transient household and currently reside in Vienna Va. My art training began in 2005 at Virginia Commonwealth University where I studied painting and printmaking. I take a non-academic approach to drawing and became interested in “urban sketching” while studying abroad in Florence Italy. I also have a business degree from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg Va.

It is great to be part of a group of like minded artists with such diverse styles. I am excited for the opportunity to learn from each other and further explore Washington DC. All of my sketches are for sale and for more information contact"

Matthew's website

"I'm an illustrator from several places, currently based out of Silver Spring, Maryland. I first got into urban sketching while poking around abandoned buildings in St. Louis, wanting to capture what I found there in a medium more interesting than photos. It became an interest that would take me to abandoned buildings around the world, including the former Soviet Union. I enjoy on-site drawing as a way to connect with the places I live and visit."

Meredith's website
Meredith's blog
Meredith's Flickr

"I grew up in Northern Virginia just outside Washington DC. I wanted to be a ballet dancer as a youth. Professional ballet didn't work out after seven years trying, so I turned to fine art print making and photography. Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY took me in and I studied there for five years leaving with a bachelors degree in Fine Art Printmaking 1980. I attended modern dance classes at Pratt by invitation because I already knew a lot about dancing and still had hopes of a dance career. That experience lead me into Trockadero ballet performances and other performance events at a club called the Pyramid on Avenue A, in the East Village scene of the early 1980's. I tried performance art there when it was just being developed but the path wasn't clear and I got lost in the wild night life.
Eventually, I returned to Washington DC. I survived a close call with AIDS but I lost many of my closest friends and lovers to the pandemic. After a long period of severe illnesses and activist work I returned to drawing and printmaking and learned a new skill at the Corcoran school of art, book binding. I began to make my own sketch books which I had always wanted to do. Drawing was heavily emphasized at Pratt and I learned artists draw every day to keep up the skill. I wanted to draw better figures so I hosted a weekly male figure drawing group here in Washington DC for fifteen years. Recently I have been inspired by artists like Christian Tribastone and poet Dan Vera to go on quarterly sketch crawls with other artists in Washington's streets. I learned to do urban drawing in the bumpy subways of NYC, now going out into the well trimmed urban scenes of Washington DC is a smooth ride but none the less challenging to draw.
I draw my sketches with water based sepia ink in a fountain pen. I am currently working on a series of etchings inspired by several trees in Lafayette park near the White House. The first tree was drawn on a hot July sketch crawl, sitting under these enormous branches in the shade."

Frederick's blog
Frederick's website
Frederick's Flickr

"An X-ray of my head would reveal a brain comprised of two left-halves. Though uncommon for artists, it probably explains why I’m such a good production designer. Of course, too much perfectionist pixel pushing can wear an artist down, so I make time during the work day to spill ink on paper as well.
I sketch people during my commutes on the Metro, I sketch buildings and urban details during my lunch breaks, and I scrawl away aimlessly during breaks from wrestling with digital files. I draw with fountain pens, cheap gel pens, and markers into small sketchbooks, garnering strange looks from people in the process, because artists apparently belong in New York City, not Washington, DC.
I’m from a family of artists; my great grandparents were in the jewelry trade, my grandfather was a cartoonist during the Great Depression, and my father was a draftsman. I've been drawing all of my life, earning a BFA in Illustration from FIT, and working as an illustrator, designer, and production artist. I also rocked my kindergarten art show, where my unusually detailed and realistic rendering of the local garbage truck made center-wall, cementing my life as an artist and ruling out any chance of me ever becoming a doctor or lawyer."

Jason's blog
Jason's website
Jason's Flickr

"A Philly native, I have been living in DC since 2000. I'm a graphic and web designer and love it.

When I'm urban sketching, my interest is in the people. I started figure drawing through the first-Sunday gatherings at the MOCA Gallery in Georgetown, and over the past few years, I've enjoyed a few sessions of life drawing at the Capital Hill Arts Workshop.

But what I really enjoy is non-posed, spontaneous pen sketches of my fellow commuters and coffee shop goers. Because my subjects are unaware that I'm drawing them and naturally move so frequently, I don't have time to be fussy, as I would be on long-pose drawings of a paid model. The result is always more free and expressive. And it's been really surprising and rewarding how many people show interest as I'm sketching and how many ask whether I draw for the courts!"

Erin's portfolio

Erin's blog
Erin's sketches on Facebook
Erin's Flickr

"I come from Rochester NY, but have spent the last few years living outside of Washington DC, where I have been teaching art at a great elementary school in NOVA.

My desire to start urban sketching began with a trip to Stockholm visiting family. The city demanded some attention portraying its beauty in pencil and ink which I was happy to provide. Fortunately the drawing bug stuck as I have been putting DC to paper (or more often cardboard).

I was very excited to join Urban Sketchers two years ago, it's been a great motivator to explore the city, and not only show off, but discover some parts of DC I never would have seen otherwise. I'm really happy now that there is such a great and impressive group of sketchers in DC who want to do this too."

Christian's blog.
Christian's Flickr

"I grew up in the D.C. area, and currently reside in Reston, where I work for a local software security firm.

While I have always drawn things around me, I started sketching in earnest while in graduate school, where I would often doodle in my notebooks between (or during) classes. Some friends encouraged me to share my drawings, and I soon discovered the community of people on the Net who share their sketchbooks online, which has been an inspiration for me. I particularly enjoy seeing other people's takes on familiar places.

Since moving back to the area, sketching has given me an opportunity to rediscover my home town and see it in a new way."

Joel's blog
Joel's Flickr

"DC Urban Sketcher Kent Gay has just recently begun teaching courses on Urban Sketching at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop in DC. The class emphasizes making records of the places, people and happenings of the DC area. Each week the class ventures out to capture the views and interesting details of DC's rich architectural and cultural landscape."

"Wanting to teach the DC Sketchers class comes from my love of drawing and teaching and personal experience of sketching in the DC area."-Kent

DC Sketchers workshop at CHAW