
Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet the sketcher: ARLINGTON, VA > Christian Tribastone

chinatown/gallery place station
"I hail from Rochester NY, but have spent the last few years living outside of Washington DC, where I have been teaching art at a great elementary school in northern Virginia.

My push to start urban sketching began with a trip to Stockholm visiting family. The city demanded some attention portraying its beauty in pencil and ink which I was happy to provide. Fortunately the drawing bug stuck as I have been putting DC to paper (or more often cardboard) since then.

I was very excited to join Urban Sketchers two years ago, it's been a great motivator to explore the city, and not only show off, but discover some parts of DC I never would have seen otherwise. I'm really happy now that there is such a great and impressive group of sketchers in DC who want to do this too."

Christian's blog.
Christian's Flickr.

1 comment:

  1. Christian: Thanks for putting this group blog for Urban Sketchers DC together. It looks great so far with lots of interesting drawings on the horizon.
