
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Meet the sketcher: GERMANTOWN, MD > Erin Antognoli

"Erin Antognoli was born in a small town in northeastern Ohio, and raised in an equally small town in western Pennsylvania. she realized from a very early age that she was not like the other girls. while her classmates were all joining the brownies, taking ballet lessons, and dressing up like fairy princesses, Erin wanted to be a ninja assassin, started a bicycle gang, and lit things on fire. she was bound to go far in life.

After completing college with honors and without getting kicked out, she got another degree in art, which in no way prepared her for the real world. she then married a guy who thought all the crazy things she did were endearing, and moved to the Washington DC area.

Erin's main activities include creating and exhibiting artwork, spending time with her husband and dogs, and conspiring new and exciting ways to take over the world."

Erin's blog
Erin's website
Erin's Flickr

More Erin:

[Awesome photo also by Erin]

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