
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Washington National Cathedral

I visited the Cathedral this past weekend, hoping to get a chance to sketch it in the snow. But the snow had mostly melted by the time I got there - there was just a little bit left on some of the corners.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Update: 3 Sketches

A little reworking...check the post before to see the first stage.

3 Sketches From the Mall


Ai Weiwei
The Rat is bound by its own chain

Father and Son
A perfect day to be out and about.


So as we were Sketchcrawling our way along the National Mall, we caught the attention of a PBS videographer who was out look for pictures and stories.  After a call to his editor, he got a bit of an extension on his deadline to join us on our 'crawl.  Here is what he's posted on the PBS New Hour InaugBlog!

Sketch Crawl from NewsHour University on Vimeo.

Thanks Patrick Record for deciding we were worth the attention!

Sketchcrawl #38. Pt 3.

And finally, here are three views of the Capitol building.
Inauguration 2013 Capitol Building

One of the many portable jumbotrons on the Mall.
Inauguration 2013 Jumbotron and Capitol

Last Port-o-potty, I promise. I swear it's not an obsession.
Inauguration 2013 Portojohns and Capitol

Sketchcrawl #38. Pt 2.

The landscape of the National Mall changes quite a bit with the coming of the inauguration.  News trucks, t-shirt vendors, security, etc... Though not quite a Tardis, the Police box certainly caught my eye as an interesting addition to the surroundings.  And you can't miss the Port-o-potty's, and checking out CNN was just kind of fun.
Inauguration 2013 Police Box
Around the time we were sketching the CNN studio, a PBS photographer decided to tag along with us and take some pics of our group sketching.  I'm not sure if anything will come of it, but it was fun to get a little attention for the group.  And it was fun to talk to all the passerby's who took some interest in what we were all doing.  It was a fun day. Fun enough that I had to come back again the next day to sketch some more.
Inauguration 2013 CNN

Inauguration 2013 Portopotty

Sketchcrawl #38. Pt 1.

For this past weekend, we decided it would be timely to have our Sketchcrawl on the National Mall here in DC, as the Presidential Inauguration is happening shortly.  I got there a little early to get a sense of what was around, and there was plenty to see.  My first couple of sketches, as I waited for the other 'crawlers to arrive, aren't strictly Inauguration themed, but a couple of scenes of the Mall.

The East Wing of the National Gallery- in the midst of a face lift.
National Gallery East Wing

And a view of the Natural History Museum from Hirshhorn, across the Mall.
Inauguration 2013 Natural History Museum from the Hirshhorn
I'll post another batch in a moment or two...

Sunday, January 20, 2013


The Smithsonian Institution (The Castle), it is a very interesting building to sketch. There are many interesting details and spaces to explore. It is very different compare to the other Classical style white color buildings around the mall. Specially the red sandstone colors and the late Romanesque and early Gothic motifs that it has.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Capitol Sketchcrawl

For the 38th World Wide Sketchcrawl, the D.C. group met on the National Mall to sketch the decorations for Monday's inauguration ceremony.  I arrived late, but was able to catch up with the group by looking for sketchbooks.

The Capitol is decorated with flags and red, white, and blue bunting, with a temporary stage and seating for the ceremony:

Tourists gathered at the wall in front of the Capitol to take pictures:

And I also did a quick sketch of one of the lions guarding the Ulysses S Grant Memorial in front of the Capitol:

Monday, January 14, 2013


Ai Wei Wei Cube at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. I did this during 12.21.2012 Armageddon Day, which it was a very cold dark day and it began to snow. My wife and I decided to visit the exhibition and enjoy the art. The world did not end and the sketches continue on....;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Eastern Market

I meant to post this a while ago, but I'll blame the Holidays for getting in the way.
This is a drawing of Eastern Market I sketched for some other [very talented] artists I met at Artomatic this past summer.
Eastern Market [for Ms. Lang]