
Monday, January 21, 2013

Sketchcrawl #38. Pt 2.

The landscape of the National Mall changes quite a bit with the coming of the inauguration.  News trucks, t-shirt vendors, security, etc... Though not quite a Tardis, the Police box certainly caught my eye as an interesting addition to the surroundings.  And you can't miss the Port-o-potty's, and checking out CNN was just kind of fun.
Inauguration 2013 Police Box
Around the time we were sketching the CNN studio, a PBS photographer decided to tag along with us and take some pics of our group sketching.  I'm not sure if anything will come of it, but it was fun to get a little attention for the group.  And it was fun to talk to all the passerby's who took some interest in what we were all doing.  It was a fun day. Fun enough that I had to come back again the next day to sketch some more.
Inauguration 2013 CNN

Inauguration 2013 Portopotty

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