
Thursday, May 9, 2013


During the 39th Sketchcrawl I started working on this sketch but I came back 2 more times in order to get it done. This is the Sphere Number 6 by the famous Sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro located at the Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden Smithsonian at the Mall. This sunk garden even when it's in the mall most of their amazing sculptures are hiding from street level view. It's a fantastic space to visit and explore at the same time relaxing. I admire Pomodoro's work and I would love to sketch more of his sculptures around the world. The sphere is made out of metal and it has this great cut outs with amazing details that are things of beauty. Many people that walked by called it the death star, well I call it the great detail sphere. Those 3 times that I came the weather was warm and sunny. It took me a total of 5 hrs adding all the 3 visits. I used black ink.

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