
Sunday, July 21, 2013

USk Barcelona

I just returned from the 4th International Urban Sketching Symposium in Barcelona. I had a really wonderful time there: I got to meet (and learn from) many artists whose work I'd been following online for years, and got to sketch in a beautiful city. I filled several sketchbooks, and this is only just a small sample: the curious can find the rest on Flickr.
While the city has some amazing architecture, and I learned a lot from the workshops, I think my favorite sketches were the informal ones where we sketched each other between (and during) sessions.

And now that I'm back home, I'm looking forward to going out and practicing what I learned here in my own city.


  1. Great sketches; you've got a subtle, yet well-balanced palette, along with some great line work. There's a sketch artist and blogger named Sheri Blaukopf, whom I believe might have been on the same trip. She's got some incredible work and is worth checking out.

  2. Yes, Shari does great work, and is a good teacher. I attended one of her workshops last summer in Portland, and I did get a chance to catch up with her in Barcelona.
