
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Old Post Office

For the 42nd World Wide Sketchcrawl, the D.C. sketchers met at the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, because it has a nice atrium where we could sketch out of the elements. I happened to be in the neighborhood last week, when it was a little warmer, so I went ahead and did a sketch of the exterior that day, since I knew it would be colder today.

In front of the building is a statue of Benjamin Franklin, the first Postmaster General. Inside there is an atrium with a food court and shopping, and an observation tower that gives a nice view of the District.

We had a few new people this time, as well as some familiar faces. It's always good to get a chance to see other sketchers.


  1. It was nice meeting you Joel! Thank you for sharing your awesome sketches! Did your watercolors freeze on top of the tower too? -Ikumi

  2. It was a pleasure to meet you as well!

    I did not attempt to use watercolor in the tower - my fingers were starting to go numb, so I finished the sketch and added color downstairs. It was definitely too cold to be sketching outside!
